[kojid] ; The number of seconds to sleep between tasks ; sleeptime=15 ; The maximum number of jobs that kojid will handle at a time ; maxjobs=10 ; The minimum amount of free space (in MBs) required for each build root minspace=2048 ; The directory root where work data can be found from the koji hub ; topdir=/mnt/koji ; The directory root for temporary storage ; workdir=/tmp/koji ; The directory root for mock ; mockdir=/var/lib/mock ; The user to run as when doing builds ; mockuser=kojibuilder ; The vendor to use in rpm headers ; vendor=Koji ; The packager to use in rpm headers ; packager=Koji ; The distribution to use in rpm headers ; distribution=Koji ; The _host string to use in mock ; mockhost=koji-linux-gnu ; The URL for the xmlrpc server server=http://localhost/kojihub ; The URL for the packages tree pkgurl=http://localhost/packages ; A space-separated list of hostname:repository[:use_common] tuples that kojid is authorized to checkout from (no quotes). ; Wildcards (as supported by fnmatch) are allowed. ; If use_common is specified and is one of "false", "no", "off", or "0" (without quotes), then kojid will not attempt to checkout ; a common/ dir when checking out sources from the source control system. Otherwise, it will attempt to checkout a common/ ; dir, and will raise an exception if it cannot. allowed_scms=scm.example.com:/cvs/example git.example.org:/example svn.example.org:/users/*:no ; The mail host to use for sending email notifications smtphost=example.com ; The From address used when sending email notifications from_addr=Koji Build System ;configuration for SSL athentication ;client certificate cert = /etc/pki/koji/kojibuilder1.pem ;certificate of the CA that issued the client certificate ca = /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt ;certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate serverca = /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt