Step by step instruction to install and run the hercules z/Series emulator with the Fedora images: 1) Just install the latest hercules if your host system is running Fedora 10 or newer using: yum install hercules Otherwise you'll need to rebuild the current SRPM on your system. 2) Copy the config files from to /etc/hercules: mkdir -p /etc/hercules wget -P /etc/hercules wget -P /etc/hercules 3) Copy one of the images from to /home/data mkdir -p /home/data wget -P /home/data cd /home/data bunzip f11-s390x-20090716.img.bz2 4) Make sure your firewall configuration is modified to work with the NAT setup we're doing in the hercules.init file. In case you don't have a firewall running on your system you will be perfectly fine. 5) Start up hercules with the startup script: cd /etc/hercules ./hercules.init 6) IPL (boot) the image you want to work with. ipl 0122 7) Wait till the system has finished booting. 8) Log in via ssh and have fun. Password for root is "fedora": ssh -X root@